NCAA Releases Sanctions in Louisville Sex Scandal

Isaac Stevens
Blue Gets In
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2017

Finally, Judgment Day is upon us — the NCAA is dropping their swift hammer of justice down on the lowly Louisville Cardinals. After nearly 18 months, the investigation into U of L’s historic sex scandal has finally reached its climax (giggity).

So what’s the verdict?

The statement released by the NCAA reads:

Penalties prescribed by the panel include four years of probation for the university; a suspension from the first five Atlantic Coast Conference games of the 2017–18 season for the head coach; a 10-year show-cause order for the former operations director; a one-year show-cause order for a former program assistant; a vacation of basketball records in which student-athletes competed while ineligible from December 2010 and July 2014; men’s basketball scholarship reductions and recruiting restrictions; a fine of $5,000, plus the university must return money received through conference revenue sharing for its appearances in the 2012 to 2015 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Championships. The panel also accepted the university’s self-imposed 2015–16 postseason ban.

You can read the rest of the NCAA’s statement here.

Now, here’s a compilation of GIFs that summarize my reaction at various times throughout the day:

9:00 AM — waking up, realizing today’s the day.

10:48 AM — (*pops popcorn*); waiting on the edge of my seat for the NCAA’s statement…

11:06 AM — BOOM! “A vacation of basketball records in which student-athletes competed while ineligible from December 2010 to July 2014”; THE BANNER IS COMING DOWN!

11:13 AM — “Oh and by the way, we’re suspending Rick for the first five games of ACC play and putting Louisville on probation for four years.” It’s almost as if the NCAA gave the Big Blue Nation a proverbial cherry-on-top of their delicious, sanction-laden cake.


I leave you with what will be a favorite song of mine for the foreseeable future…enjoy.

