Show Review — House of Cards: Season 5

Isaac Stevens
Blue Gets In
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2017

Title: House of Cards: Season 5

Network: Netflix

House of Cards is one of my personal favorite shows on Netflix. The high quality acting and storyline is hard to beat. Season 5 however doesn’t have the same feel as the previous seasons. I didn’t find myself wanting to binge watch to see what was going to happen next. The show goes through cycles and right when you think the show is getting even better it becomes less entertaining. Don’t get me wrong, the show is still amazing and everyone, above a certain maturity level, should go and watch it.

I do have one concern with House of Cards in the future however. It’s losing its base. The rise to the presidency to gain power is fleeting from the plot, and the show appears to be taking a direction that may lose its base. While I would love to see House of Cards continue, I would also not like for it to weaken its excellence just for money. Some of the best shows plan an ending when the show is at its peak and I believe that House of Cards needs to start considering this in the next season or two.

Overall House of Cards: Season 5 is still very good and is one of the best Netflix Original shows out there.

Overall Rating: 4/5

