Working as a Marketing Intern at Blue Harvest

Luc Maas
Blue Harvest Tech Blog
4 min readFeb 25, 2019

“The perfect combination of marketing, communication, and IT”

Have you seen our latest posts on social media? If not, be sure to check them out! Our man behind many of the creative social media ideas is Luc Maas. In the past month, he has created a lot of online buzz. We will now ask him some questions about what it’s like to work at Blue Harvest.

Can you give us a short introduction about yourself?

“My name is Luc Maas. Before starting my internship at Blue Harvest, I completed my Bachelor Degree in International Business Administration at Radboud University. In September, I will start my Master Degree in Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the University of Amsterdam. During my Bachelor Degree, I developed an interest in start-ups and innovation. To gain some extra experience in these fields, I decided to take a gap year and try out some internships. My first internship began in September of this year at a start-up incubator in Ahmedabad in India. Two Months ago, I moved to Amsterdam and joined Blue Harvest as a marketing intern.”

Why did you apply for an internship at Blue Harvest?

“Blue Harvest is an IT consultancy startup of Capgemini that employs highly emotionally and technically skilled engineers. When I was looking for an internship, I wanted to find a startup where I could put my marketing experience to good use whilst learning more about the IT sector. Blue Harvest seemed to be the perfect fit between marketing and IT. Furthermore, I found Blue Harvest’s emphasis on growth very appealing.”

From left to right: Gustavo Bremm, Luc Maas, Yukwan Man, and Kemal Gülsen at the Valentine’s Day drinks

What appeals to you in working for Blue Harvest?

“ I especially like the startup vibe that is going on at Blue Harvest. This startup vibe allows me to ask anything to anyone; there is no such thing as a stupid question. By asking questions and working with knowledgeable colleagues, a whole new world of IT has opened up to me. Apart from that, Blue Harvest facilitates an open environment, with an emphasis on feedback and trust. This has helped me to grow more than I would have expected.”

What is the biggest challenge you faced during your internship at Blue Harvest?

“At times, it can be challenging to bring an IT company to the attention of its target audience. What I like about this challenge, is that you need to be creative to solve it. In order to tackle such challenges effectively, Blue Harvest operates in an Agile framework called Scrum. The Scrum framework makes use of short sprints in which you work together with your colleagues to tackle a challenge. This way you generate more ideas for creative campaigns or posts together. I like to create content that is somewhat different from all else that you see online. At Blue Harvest, I am not bound to any protocols or guidelines. I’m free to think outside of the box, or even to throw the box away.”

What is it like to work between all these Senior Software Engineers?

“Working with such skilled Software Engineers is probably what I enjoy best and where I learn the most. You familiarize yourself with all kinds of frameworks, projects, and Proof of Concepts that your colleagues are working on in a specific sprint. I also found out that Software Engineers at Blue Harvest don’t adhere to the (sometimes nerdy) software engineering stereotype ;). Our team is socially skilled and full of humour.”

Amsterdam’s canals

What is the most important lesson that you have learned during your internship?

“I have learned a lot more than I expected. Especially about the world of IT and how big it is. Apart from that, Blue Harvest provided me with the time and resources to develop myself in many different facets. This internship challenges me to think out of the box, grow myself, and participate in cool events and training sessions such as the Capgemini Hackathon. If I had to name one lesson that stood out, I would say that my eyes have been opened to the importance of growth. I came to believe in Blue Harvest’s philosophy of growing as people in order to grow as a company. I believe growth is especially valuable in the careers of millennials such as myself, but that would have to be discussed in another blog post ;).

What is your advice to the next Intern?

“Enjoy the ride and try to learn as much as possible while you’re at it. The resources are available so make sure you use them! As a marketeer, I would also recommend involving your colleagues in marketing. The more the merrier I would say. Marketing may still be a little out of scope for some developers but they have a lot of cool ideas. If you want to get a 6-month crash course on marketing, communication and IT, this is the perfect internship for you!”

Good to hear, thanks a lot!

“No problemo, thank you for helping out with creating new content :D”

For more information on becoming the next intern, or for more information on other careers at Blue Harvest, visit:

