Modern Data Stack Series: Effortless Data Movement for Optimal Efficiency

Sebastian Freiman
Blue Orange Digital
3 min readFeb 1, 2024

Welcome to the next installment of our Modern Data Stack (MDS) series, where we delve into the intricacies of data management. In this article, we will focus on one crucial aspect: data movement. Specifically, we will explore the reasons behind data movement, the challenges it addresses, and the array of tools available to facilitate seamless data extraction and transfer.

Understanding the Need for Data Movement

Before we delve into the technicalities, let’s address the fundamental question: Why do we need to move data in the first place? The answer is twofold: backup and consolidation.

Data backups are crucial for safeguarding against system failures or unexpected events. By moving data to a secure location, organizations can ensure business continuity and minimize the risk of data loss. Additionally, data movement enables consolidation, allowing organizations to integrate multiple systems, consolidate historical data, and run analytics without impacting production performance.

The Mechanics of Data Movement

To move data effectively, you need software that can connect to your data source. This involves providing the necessary credentials, network access, and libraries to establish a connection. However, connecting to the data source is just the initial step.

For small datasets, a simple data pull may suffice. However, when dealing with large databases, incremental extraction becomes essential to optimize network transfers and manage memory/storage resources efficiently.

Tools for Effortless Data Movement

In the early days, enterprise extraction tools like IBM DataStage, Informatica PowerCenter, Alteryx, and Microsoft Integration Services dominated the market. While these solutions provided on-premises capabilities, they often came with complex and expensive licensing structures.

The emergence of cloud environments has brought forth a new wave of players, revolutionizing both technology and service models. We have witnessed a shift from traditional licensing models to flexible on-demand solutions, where costs are based on actual data ingestion. This paradigm shift allows organizations to pay only for what they use, providing unparalleled speed and flexibility for moving small amounts of data. However, it is essential to remain mindful of scaling requirements to avoid unforeseen cost escalations.

Cloud-native solutions like Fivetran and AWS Glue have taken the lead in this new era, offering seamless data movement primarily in the cloud while still providing connectivity to on-premises services. Established players have also adapted to this shift, with offerings such as Microsoft Azure Data Factory and Informatica ODI embracing the on-demand model.

Selecting the Right Tool for Your Ecosystem

With a plethora of tools available, selecting the best-fit solution for your ecosystem can be challenging. Each tool offers a unique set of features and capabilities, making it crucial to assess your specific requirements and align them with the strengths of the available options.

Join us on this exciting journey through the Modern Data Stack as we explore the next phase: storing data. In our upcoming blog post, we will delve into the various storage solutions and strategies that can maximize the value of your data infrastructure.

Stay tuned for more insightful articles and consult with our experts at Blue Orange Digital to unlock the full potential of your data-driven initiatives.

Contact us today to learn more about how Blue Orange Digital can help you navigate the complexities of data movement and streamline your data management processes.

