Writing: The Quantity vs Quality Debate

The struggle between perfect or consistent writing.

Yewande Ade
Blue Pen


Photo: Ospan Ali on Unsplash

The age-old debate of what to pick between quality and quantity has remained a burning issue for years and it continues to be one.

When writing, do you sometimes struggle to make a decision on whether to churn out several consecutive pieces or to simply retreat to collate your next singular piece before releasing it?

This is a reality which most writers face.

Sometimes, it’s hard to decide if one lengthy story is better than 10 noticeably short stories.

The Case for Quality

There are writers who won’t publish anything until they are sure that it is up to standard and qualitative enough to be read. This is because for them, writing is systematic and involves gradually unraveling layers of complexities.

For this class of writers, the argument is that writing should be as impactful , structured and flawless as possible. Here, accuracy, organization and comprehension are details that shouldn’t be ignored, even if there is a desire to frequently write.

The truth is, it is very tempting to focus on perfection if you want flawless work. You can’t avoid the need to constantly cross-check your work if you are a…

