Ain’t no Monday Blues at Blue Sky

Blue Sky Thinking
Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2020
Blue Sky Analytics
(Image courtesy:

Here at Blue Sky Analytics, we are constantly looking for new talent to come help us battle climate change. It involves not just a zeal for saving the planet but also a sort of double-jointed intelligence about how the world works. Its no run of the mill nine-to-five, and nor are the people who work here. So if you are wondering what it takes to be a part of the Blue Sky family, here’s a primer.

Missionaries Not Mercenaries

We pride ourselves on having a modern workplace built upon flexibility and dynamism. We don’t expect you to come to work to warm your chair just because you need to “fulfill a certain number of hours”. That’s a waste of your time and ours.

Our Values


Work can be challenging at times and it is important to have the ability to push through any obstacles you may face.


“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence” — Albert Einstein.

We value a curious individual who is not afraid to ask questions and think differently.


Caring about something is extremely important to us. It doesn’t matter what it is, the environment, your family, a sport or a music band. Just show us that you care about something!!

Who should apply?

  • Learning-junkies who are constantly hungry for new knowledge
  • Self-starters who don't require micromanagement.
  • Empathetic individuals who wants to collaborate and not compete
  • Individuals not fazed by difficult problems, and willing to find solutions.
  • Multitaskers that don't compromise quality for speed
  • Workaholic who doesn’t fear challenges

What We Expect

We expect a candidate to share the same enthusiasm towards the environment as us. A passion for working with people and the ability to observe the bigger picture with an eye for greater detail.

And no, your age and number of years of experience don’t really matter. It’s all about how you work with people, how tenacious you are at trying to solve a problem, and your passion to care for something.

Hiring Process

Step 1: Apply on Angel or through

Step 2: Technical Assignment. This assignment will be sent to your email

Step 3: Non-Technical Assignment is sent right after you complete your technical assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to access your personality traits and cognitive ability.

Step 4: Technical call with a person from our data or platform team

Step 5: Cultural fit call

Step 6: Face to Face interview with our founders & other team members. Take a chill pill before you come & bring one for us if you can!

We will revert back to you within 3 days max, with an Offer letter if you are able to impress our TEAM!

*PS: You could have additional calls with our team members based on the roles you have applied for.

How to Prepare for the Interview

Firstly relax, this is an informal interview where we just want to get to know you. We care about your personality as much as your skills and would expect to know you as a person (maybe make friends with you). The best way to start is by reading upon us. Second, prepare yourself with a few questions on your education, interests, extracurricular activities, etc. Here are a few examples of questions you might get asked:

  1. What’s your favorite tv show and why?
  2. Do you like reading and if yes, what do you read?
  3. What challenges do you see yourself face when working for a start-up?
  4. Tell me an interesting thing about you?
  5. Why Blue Sky Analytics?
  6. Suppose you get into a conflict with a co-worker, how would you go about resolving it?
  7. What do you do in your free time?
  8. Walk me through an interesting problem you have solved?

What to Expect in Office

We are a bunch of young enthusiastic nerds and environmentalists who really enjoy what we do. We don’t have the traditional office environment where everyone is stressed and working aimlessly to get through the day. Rather, don’t be surprised if you walk in for an interview and we are sitting and eating a massive cake, laughing at jokes made by are intern Rahul or trying to figure out what tasty food our CFO (Chief food officer) Daya has cooked.

Don’t worry, we do serious and challenging work as well that is highly rewarding. Imagine saying that you are contributing to saving the planet.


  1. How many people will be in the interview panel?

None, we don’t have an interview panel. Our conversations are very informal and it can be conducted by any number of people as per the role in consideration. We can have this conversation while sitting on the sofa or taking a stroll at the nearby park.

2. How long do we take to revert?

We try to be as quick as possible and have a max turnaround time of 3 days.

3. How long is the F2F interview?

It depends, how interesting are you?

4. How to dress?

Wear what you feel most comfortable in. No ties or leather shoes necessary!

5. Do I need to bring my resume?

No, as a company we really care about the environment. So, a pdf document sent to us is more than enough.

6. Timings?

We have flexible timings though, most of us come in by 11 am. We also provide ample opportunities for you to work from home.

News about us and articles to read

What are you waiting for apply now!! Links Below

The featured image is by American author Kurt Vonnegut. “Goodbye Blue Monday” is the alternative title to Vonnegut’s novel “Breakfast of Champions.” The novelist used the phrase “Goodbye Blue Monday” as a reaction to the absurdities of everyday life.

