How do you handle jealousy?

Tales from a different view of FOMO

Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink


I had a pretty interesting interaction today. To which I will not share too many pertinent details. What I will do instead, is talk of the main points and maybe (who knows really) root cause.

Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

How do you handle jealousy? When someone is jealous of you? For your looks, your success, your intelligence? Your insert-whatever-it-is-they-are-jealous-of-you-for here?

More importantly…how do you handle jealousy, when you’re the one who’s jealous of someone else? Their looks, their success, their intelligence? Their insert-whatever-it-is-you-are-jealous-of-them-for here?

I find as I grow older, I’m less and less jealous of others, and more and more admiring of others. I’m also way more focused on my own goals and dreams, to be noticing too much what others are doing.

Photo by James Kemp on Unsplash

Unfortunately I still do run into situations where I get jealous of someone. And I’ve learned to take this in stride. I’m not perfect. I have flaws. I will say, I’m proud of myself for learning how to admit to myself I’m jealous of someone, and then ask myself why. Usually what I find out is I perceive they have…



Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink

I am a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and a PROSCI-certified People Change Manager. I’m also an ultra-runner and have lived and worked all over.