So I could find my way

An ode to love, in all its many forms

Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink


So I could find my way is a song by Enya. It is quite a beautiful song. I’ve left the lyrics down below.

Ostensibly, this is a song about death. Enya explains it was written for, and about, a friend’s mother, who had helped her so much in life.

For me however, it is a song of life.

Of life renewed. When you have lost everything. Or you think you have, anyway.

Photo by Chris King on Unsplash

A harbour holding back the sea

And life comes along, slowly but surely, twirls vines of renewal and growth all around you. And lifts you back up, from the pit you slipped into.

Photo by Ivana Cajina on Unsplash

And all those years you guided me

This past week I took a Zumba class with my mother. And it was SO much fun. Then we went for lunch and laughed the entire time. She made me a special little takeout dinner, for me to take home. And I felt so cherished.

I think of the granddaughters she will never get to see. The clothes she bought for them, years before. Which she has now given to me. As keepsakes. And…



Melanie Wijeratna
Blue Star Ink

I am a Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) and a PROSCI-certified People Change Manager. I’m also an ultra-runner and have lived and worked all over.