
Aqua of Verse50
Blue Stocking Gazette
3 min readFeb 17, 2019

I had just got home when he texted me.

I’m in a mood.

Fuck. My pussy creamed instantly, heartbeat whooshed. With shaking fingers I texted him back.

O yeah? Not sure I can help you with that.” We had talked about our sexting code. “Not sure” meant I was goading him along. I stared at the phone while the dots flashed, indicating he was typing.

You fucking will. Better be ready when I get there or you’ll be sorry.” I raced upstairs to pull on my most sturdy thigh-highs. I wanted to drive him completely insane.

He boomed up the stairs, taking two at a time, and burst into the room. I seized the edge of the bedframe and stared at him, shaking like a leaf. His shirt was already off and he was peeling down his jeans, approaching me threateningly. My knees buckled.

“Turn around, slut,” he growled. I set my chin.

“Make me.” That was the final push, as far as I could take it. His eyes narrowed and he rubbed at his briefs. “Are you planning on doing something with that?” My last shreds of bravery evaporated from my voice.

“Turn…the fuck…around,” he ordered through gritted teeth. I spun around and grabbed the bedframe, its iron cold in my hand. For a split second there was silence, only my pounding heartbeat in the room, then he grabbed me and pushed in without warning. I screamed. Then a hard, open-handed spank rang out on my butt.

“Fuck!” And began struggling.

“O, no you don’t,” he said, grimly, grabbing my hair. “I have something to do here.” His cock was harsh and deep inside, relentless. Punishing. I leaned to one side, whimpering, and he caught me again by the hair, forcing my head back. I gasped. Bangbangbang with his cock…

A flash of sharp heat went up my neck. I tried to relax. Then pain. O no

“Pudding!” I blurted out. “Pudding. Pudding!” The words tumbled over each other and he instantly let go of my hair, stopped fucking. Still inside me though. He put his arms around me and mouth next to my ear. Warm and solid.

“Are you ok, baby? What’s wrong?” I rolled my neck around and sighed. Everything was ok.

“It’s just the position you had my neck in,” I said in a panting whisper. “It was a little much, it hurt for a minute.” He rubbed my neck with both hands. I purred. “That feels good. I love it when you hold my hair but I need to keep my neck straight.”

“Ok, baby. Like this?” He grabbed my hair again, this time nearer the top of my head and kept his arm straight like a rod against my back. There was no way I could push backward. My neck was safe.

“That’s perfect, I can do that,” and wiggled back on him. He was still hard.

“Oh, you want more, do you?” he said, a grin splitting his voice.

I bit my lip.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sir. I’m a good girl, I don’t like being fucked,” I lied. He swelled up even more inside me and his other hand went around my waist. Now he was in complete control.

Another big swat on my butt and he began stabbing his cock up, deep, high- almost lifting me onto my toes. I squealed.

“Well, I think you forgot to tell your pussy that since it seems so happy to be around my cock…”

