Building BWN: Blue Whale x European Freelancers Week

Ivan Hong
2 min readSep 7, 2018


Over at the Blue Whale Foundation, we aim to empower the world’s freelance community by creating the largest worker-centric decentralized ecosystem where independent workers can pursue their passions, and turn them into professions.

European Freelancers Week (#EFWeek) is the world’s largest annual celebration of independent work helping millions of Europeans discover the Freelance Economy. It is carried out as a series of independent events held under a common theme and branding in different European countries.

The third edition of #EFWeek will take place from October 12 to 21, 2018 all across Europe. You can submit your events or special deals to freelancers here.

The #EFWeek community fosters ground-up initiatives and experiments in creating collaborative support structures for freelancers, such as co-working offices, cooperatives and unions. These novel initiatives are nurturing new forms of freelance work, providing not only employment security through things like mutual insurance funds, but also enhancing collective capabilities though time banks, joint bids for public procurement tenders, and blockchain decentralized networks such as the Blue Whale Foundation.

This partnership between our two companies will foster greater global reach and interconnectedness between the freelancers in the East and in the West. Ideas can be tested, and implemented across the #EFWeek community, and lessons learnt from experiments in Europe can be adapted to Asian labour markets.

The collaboration marks a step forward in bridging two vast markets for freelancing — and one step closer to the possibility of a free, and fair future of work.

To find out more about how both companies are making a difference in the new era of freelancing and the future of work, visit their official websites at The Blue Whale Foundation and European Freelancers Week.

