Free yourself — Choose your name

Zoé and Joshua
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2016
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Nomen est omen. To summon a demon you have to know its name and a name of a cobold gives you the power over him. What we want to say with this? Your name is important.
But why?
You can only love other people, when you love yourself. And this begins already with your name.
So if you want to meet people confident, with an open heart, with love and honesty, better to do it with a name that you like. The first impression counts a lot and normally you introduce yourself with your name. It is not only an identification, but more like a verbal summary of your personality.
If you already have a bad feeling about your name, you will start a conversation with hesitation, with self doubts or just with not such a good energy. And this the other person will feel, at least subconsciously. It is like starting a trip together with pulled handbrake.

But it is not only about the first impression. If people think about you or talk with you, your name plays a big role. It is like a key for a mental box, where the person stores all the informations, feelings and ideas about you.
But everything is floating and also you never stay the same. You are continously growing, learning, changing directions, makig new ideas, finding new solutions, developing new preferences. So why can your name not grow with you ?
In many native tribes the name is growing with the person. Out of a crawling baby that is called “Turtle” becomes a fast hunter that is called “Running Turtle”.

If the name does not follow the development of the person, it starts to be meaningless and even can be dangerous.
People can project images on you, that might be not any more true. With this they predict a behaviour that you would not anymore do. Or they misinterpret your actions in a way, that it is fitting to their existing idea about you.

A change of the name is like a new haircut. It helps people to see you in a differnt way, from a diferent perspective. It might help them to realize that you are continuously growing and it helps them to see and accept these changes instead of stucking to old ideas.

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