The fabulous world of Joshua

Zoé and Joshua
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016

Life can be so easy, specially when you have amazing friends who support you with life changing wisdoms and the key to happiness.

And these are three of our favourites:

When Joshua moved from Portugal to Hungary, at one point he lost his smile. Suddenly everything was not any more so beautiful. But like we said, good to have good friends. When Joshua one more time was complaining about something, Zoé explained him very simple, why it is him, who is responsible for his own happiness.

“It is the same effort to make yourself miserable, than to make yourself happy”, she said.
It is right, not only by moving from Portugal to Hungary.

A few years ago Joshua was founding an artist community in Berlin. For a few weeks an old friend was living there. Joshua did not see him before for half a year. Suddenly his friend was like newborn. He was happy, smiling and nothing could take away his optimism. If it was a little thing or a big disaster, he kept saying:

“If something does not work out, something better will come.”
It is right, not only in Berlin.

Before Joshua lived in the South of Spain. One day he was walking together with a friend the endless serpentines of the Alpujarras and tried to hitchhike to the weekly market in the next town. One car after another was passing them, but his friend never stoped smiling.

“Take it easy”, he said, “if someone say no, someone else will say yes.”
It is right, not only by hitchhiking.

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