Bluecode Recap: July & August 2019

Read on to find out what we were working on in July and August.

Bluecode Payment
3 min readSep 2, 2019


Georg Schardt, former managing director of Sofort GmbH and CPO of Heidelpay, joins Bluecode as new CCO

The payment and e-commerce expert has been the new Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Bluecode since 1 July 2019 and will be responsible for merchant and bank cooperations.

“His commercial, regulatory and technical experience in the area of account-based payment procedures, especially with regard to PSD2 and instant payment, will enable our partner banks and merchants to retain the value creation chain of mobile payments in Europe and thus to completely redesign it for the benefit of all involved.” — Bluecode CEO Christian Pirkner

Mirko Thomas Oberholzer, former Head DFS International of the SIX Group, joins us as our new COO

With more than 20 years of experience from various management positions in the financial sector, Mirko joins Bluecode as new Chief Operating Officer (COO) and member of the Executive Board. His tasks include setting up group-wide corporate governance structures, the recruitment of new employees as well as legal & compliance duties.

Bluecode was successfully integrated into the cashpresso app

In August Bluecode was integrated into the cashpresso app — a trademark of the Viennese fintech startup Credi2. From now on cashpresso not only enables customers to access a € 1,500 line of credit loan within 10 minutes, but it also allows them to pay with the smartphone in thousands of shops in Austria and Germany.

Bluecode will soon be a European standard

Bluecode is one of six European digital wallets which joined forces to increase adoption of mobile payments with QR code in Europe. Very soon it will be possible for our users to pay for their purchases across 10 countries in Europe. We are super happy about the great interest of the press.

Stay tuned for our next update.

If there are any specific payment related topics you find interesting and want us to write about on our blog, don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know:

Bluecode is the pan-European mobile payment solution that enables cashless payments via Android smartphone, iPhone and Apple Watch combined with merchant driven value-added services in a vast number of apps. In accordance with European data protection standards, no personal data is stored or transmitted on the mobile phone during the payment process. The highly secure, TAN-based payment system works with all bank accounts and is independent of the transmission technology. The Bluecode technology can be embedded in any iOS or Android app. Renowned banks, acquirers, international banking software providers, and payment platforms, as well as leading retailers, support the Europe-wide rollout and integration into cash registers, vending machines, apps of banks and retailers as well as loyalty apps.

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Bluecode Payment

We are the European mobile payment scheme enabling cashless payments with merchant driven value-added services.