Introducing Oxygen Points with Bluedot

“A new currency special for EV-drivers”

Selinay Filiz Parlak
3 min readAug 27, 2020


While there is a hot debate regarding how greener electric cars are, most of the current findings show that electric cars produce less CO2 than internal combustion engines across the vast majority of the globe.

Recent studies found that in 95% of the world, electric vehicles and domestic heat pumps generate less carbon dioxide than fossil fuel-powered cars. Only exceptions are heavily coal-dependent countries like Poland. Besides, that is likely to improve further as electric vehicles grow even more efficient and more CO2 is taken out of the electricity generating system.

Let’s review this case closer at an individual level briefly. One of the best ways for people to reduce their carbon footprints is living car-free, which saves an average of 2.04 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person annually. This is followed by driving a battery-electric car — 1.95 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per person annually.🧐

Sounds interesting? Take a look at the graph below to see the ways to decrease your carbon footprint.


As EV gurus, we love new technologies that perfectly go with the environment. And, electric cars are great examples of it. At Bluedot we are building software solutions where we break down the barriers around charging by bringing privately owned charging stations to the eco-system. Besides this, we are a marketplace for charging stations, basically an Airbnb of chargers for electric car owners.

To know our audience in more depth and get people familiar with the concept, we offer lots of perks to EV-owners with a mission to get more people behind the wheels of EV. We allow you to collect oxygen points based on the CO2 emissions you decreased by driving an electric car and use them to get rewards.🎉


Electric cars are approximately 30% more efficient than general ICE cars for CO2 emission, so taking this as a baseline with different parameters, we are calculating the carbon footprint that you are preventing to be emitted and give oxygen points based on that. I’ll also deep dive into our calculation in another post. For now, let's talk about what you can do with these points.

First, you can donate a tree with 500 points and it approximately means driving 900 km! We are building EV-forest with your support. Plus, you can get some items that we thought you like or need such as a free home charger, branded Tesla t-shirt, Porsche mug, and many more are coming. You can download our app to check it out.

If you are interested in partnering with us to feature your EV-related products in our app or offer discounted services for EV-owners, please reach me via

Want to learn more about the environmental side of it? You may also find these resources useful:
Are Electric Vehicles Really Better For The Environment?
Factcheck: How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change
The environmental footprint of electric cars

Love hearing different voices and, all ideas are welcomed! Let me know your thoughts in the comments.🤩



Selinay Filiz Parlak

Entrepreneur. I love peer to peer platforms and e-mobility.