Manual Vs Automation Testing: The Pros and Cons

Abdullah Khan
Published in
7 min readJan 5, 2018
Pros & Cons of Manual & Automated Testing

Testing is a tremendous space, however, it can be extensively classified into two regions: Manual testing and Automated testing.

Both Manual and Automated testing offer advantages and disadvantages. It merits knowing the distinction, and when to utilize either for best outcomes. In manual testing (as the name proposes), test cases are executed physically (by a human, that is) with no help from instruments or contents. Yet, with Automated testing, test cases are executed with the help of devices, contents, and programming.

Testing is a fundamental piece of any effective programming venture. The kind of testing (Manual or Automated) relies upon different variables, including venture necessities, spending plan, course of events, mastery, and appropriateness. Three imperative elements of any task are obviously time, cost, and quality — the objective of any fruitful venture is to decrease the cost and time required to finish it effectively while keeping up quality yield. With regards to testing, one write-up may fulfill this objective superior to the next.

Difference between Manual and Automated Testing

Manual testing and Automation testing are spread among two immense zones. Inside every classification, particular testing techniques are accessible, for example, discovery testing, white box testing, reconciliation testing, framework testing, execution testing, and load testing. Some of these strategies are more qualified to manual testing, and some are best performed through Automated testing.

Here’s a concise correlation of each sort, alongside a few upsides and downsides:

Manual Testing:

Manual Testing is the way towards checking a product item against utilitarian and non-practical prerequisites by hand. It is normally directed by a quality affirmation group.

This implies the analyzers really run your application on various gadgets, and utilize it precisely as your end clients would, so as to discover any deviations from the first prerequisites. The group depends on the predefined test cases to check all highlights and conceivable utilize situations and discover any blunders or defects with the application’s usefulness, UX, and outline.

Manual testing usually involves the following activities:

Requirements Analysis: Your analyzers must know your item in and out to have the capacity to see the deviations or mistakes in it. Accordingly, altogether reported determinations prove to be useful with regards to manual testing.

Test Cases Creation: In light of the useful details, the testing group will make an arrangement of experiments for your item. These should cover every single real component and plan components inside your item, for instance, structures and fields approval, collaborations with the database, transfer usefulness, sifting, and query items.

· Conducting the Tests: When you have the situations and comprehension of what you have to check, you can run the tests one by one.

· Logging Bug Reports: During the time spent on manual testing, record every single existing bug and blunders you find in the application. Clear and point by point logging spares you time and cash, as your improvement group will have the capacity to comprehend and settle the issues speedier.

After the bugs are settled by the advancement group, the group will physically confirm that the issues are illuminated and the progressions inside your application haven’t caused any further blunders.

An intricate and essential piece of programming improvement, manual testing has its advantages and downsides. The most critical ones are recorded beneath.


Consistent with Life Testing

Manual testing takes into consideration the most exact reproduction of the genuine condition in which your application will be utilized. Any bugs or blemishes that may happen when a client dispatches an application are probably going to be caught through the procedure of manual testing.

Exhaustive Plan Audit

Programmed contents can’t give criticism on the application’s look and feel. Getting knowledge from a genuine individual can be important on the off chance that you need to make certain your application is anything but difficult to utilize and has pixel-consummate UI.

Lower Here and Now Venture

With the manual testing process, you don’t need to put resources into any exceptional devices. Having a few colleagues enlisting extra assets to do the quality check makes it less demanding to deal with the financial plan and requires no forthright expenses.

Expanded Adaptability

Work in a spry situation. You require the ability to respond to the scarcest necessity changes in a flash. For this situation, manual testing offers the flexibility to adjust to anything. In the event that you need to rapidly test another element or check any adjustments in the UI, manual testing is precisely what you require.


Expanded Danger of a Disappointment

Depending totally on a human, manual testing may be less precise and exhaustive. Individuals will probably miss some minor blunders and blemishes in outline. Subsequently, human mistakes may happen whenever amid the manual testing process. Also, it looks bad to run manual tests more than twice: testing weakness may happen when your QA group definitely knows the item so well that they never again can see new bugs in the item.

More Assets and Time Required

Manual testing is ordinarily a work serious action. It is slower than basically running a content, and requires greater venture depending totally on HR. Also, those costs will just develop as your item advances. Furthermore, manual tests can’t be reused as Automation contents can be. Each time another component is added to your item, you should retest the entire item to ensure this change hasn’t broken anything.

Not all things Can be tried Physically

There are a few restrictions to the manual testing approach. For instance, it is hard to direct load and execution testing physically, as it requires an extraordinary number of clients/analyzers and gadgets running the program at the same time. That is the reason such undertakings are best taken care of through uncommon apparatuses and computerization.

Manual Testing leads to unreliable, inefficient or ambiguous results

Testing reusability is difficult

Load and Performing Testing is not possible

Not suitable for large projects with short deadlines.

Automated Testing:

Automation testing is characterized as a procedure of executing pre-scripted tests on a product item before it is discharged into creation. When looking at manual versus mechanized testing, you rapidly find that the fundamental distinction lies in the path each of the techniques is performed. While manual testing is directed by hand, computerized testing depends on the committed programming devices being utilized.

Test robotization apparatuses are utilized to execute tests, report the outcomes, and contrast them and prior trials. Such an approach requires less human cooperation, taking into consideration different test reruns whenever. Other than that, the strategy has the accompanying upsides and downsides.


Speedy and Successful

Executed by unique programming instruments, robotized testing requires altogether less time and exertion. When setting up, the testing system does all the work self-sufficiently, taking into account test reuse. The tests can run all the while on different machines and programs, which diminishes the testing time and exertion. Computerized testing is additionally viewed as more careful as it is fair-minded and depends exclusively on calculations.

Better Long Haul ROI

While requiring some forthright speculation (in spite of the fact that there are some free open-source apparatuses you could use too), robotization turns out to be more cost-proficient over the long haul. Having presented a computerization structure once, you should simply include more experiments as your item develops. Likewise, on the off chance that you have to run your tests over and over, robotization can spare time and cash for your group, while ensuring solid outcomes.

Straightforward and Fastidious

In the manual procedure, just the analyzer can see prompt outcomes. The QA robotization process is taken care of with the assistance of committed devices, which take into consideration better straightforwardness. Everybody inside your group can sign into the framework and see the after effects of the testing progressively. This adds to better joint effort and perceivability inside your group. Furthermore, as said above, robotized testing enables you to test each and every detail inside your application, even those that can’t be tried physically.


Additional Cost Required

Regardless of whether it is an outsider device, you will utilize or a custom robotization structure, extra speculation will be required to set up a legitimate testing process. Despite the fact that, you have advantage over the long haul from reusing the apparatuses you purchase or the structure you assemble, regardless you ought to consider these underlying costs. Furthermore, as any product apparatus, your system will require consistent upkeep to work appropriately.

Lack of Human Input on Usability and UI

The machine won’t give an unprejudiced feeling on your application’s UX or plan. It will simply check each component in your item against the parameters you set. To ensure your application is anything but difficult to associate with and has a decent look and feel, you will at present need to utilize genuine client testing. Robotization ends up being valuable just to verify the useful and specialized parts of your item.

Tools’ limitations and In-Built Issues

Outsider computerization apparatuses frequently don’t have the range you have to test your item altogether. While you may extend them and modify as indicated by your necessities, it is as yet a downside to consider. Additionally, as any product item, such an instrument can have bugs and issues of its own. If not distinguished early, this may negatively affect your testing procedure also.

· Automation requires substantial investment in tools and skills

· Automation cannot replace human intellectual skills required for

evaluating software’s UI or UX

· Automation cannot have used as an Exploratory testing type.

· Training required for manual test resource.

· Basic programming knowledge required.


From all the above points discussion, we came to know that in a Software Industry both Manual and Automated Testing have their own value and price. Both are important for the shipment of Quality Products. We can’t automate 100% software so we must require manual resources to play their part in the successful projects / products completion.

The kind of testing that will be utilized relies upon different variables of each venture. Venture prerequisites, course of events, spending plan, ability, and appropriateness are things that should be considered. Time, cost and quality are fundamental parts, and the objective is to diminish the cost and time yet increment quality yield. With regards to testing, one write-up may achieve this objective superior to the next. Considering advantages and disadvantages of each approach, you should pick the best one for you, your task, and your organization.

