Blueground Donates 100 Apartments To Those In Need

Real Estate Tech Company Supports The Global Fight Against COVID-19

Inside Blueground
3 min readApr 24, 2020


Blueground furnished bedroom in New York, set against an exposed brick wall

In just a few short weeks, COVID-19 has caused massive tremors around the world, threatening so many aspects of daily life. Around the world, healthcare workers and volunteers have mobilized to support the communities most in need. We’ve seen tens of thousands of doctors and nurses pick up and head to New York City to provide care, without a second thought as to where they’d stay. In Dubai, business hubs have been turned into hospitals to treat patients. And in California, many retired healthcare workers have answered the call to join their state’s Health Corps during this time of incredible need.

These brave individuals, who are making these initiatives to fight COVID possible, are confronted with so much uncertainty in the emergency rooms and ICUs, questioning simply if they will even have the necessary protective gear for their next shift. We wanted to do our part to offer something that would provide just a bit more certainty.

Blueground is built on four core values: Time, Care, Excellence and Transparency. While all are important, during these challenging times, we find ourselves gravitating toward Care more than ever. In a pre-COVID world, Blueground practiced Care for our colleagues, guests and partners. But now, it’s imperative we do more.

Blueground is proud to announce an initiative to support healthcare workers and local communities in need across the world. These doctors, nurses and other workers have traveled from their homes to places severely impacted by the pandemic (like New York) to provide service and care, while others find themselves without a bed to go home to in an effort to keep their families safe and healthy. Blueground is donating stays at 100 of its fully furnished and equipped apartments across our 12 markets; from LA to Dubai, so that these incredible heroes have a comfortable, safe place to call home, as they continue to go above and beyond to make this world a better and healthier place.

We’re honored to do what we can to support the incredible teams fighting COVID-19 at local institutions and organizations like Mount Sinai, Shriners Hospital for Children, George Washington University Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Dubai Health Authority, Greek National Health System — just to name a few.

Female doctor on tablet in foreground with male doctor in white coat in the background

“We very much appreciate the generosity of Blueground during these stressful and challenging times,” said Shriners’ Hospital Administrator Eileen Skinner. “Knowing we have these apartments as a resource for our staff brings us some much-needed peace of mind in that arena. Blueground’s kind offer helps to support our clinicians as they focus on the critical work of safeguarding and caring for our patients at this time.”

“Blueground is in the business of helping people feel at home wherever they are, and to be able to do that for essential workers during a global crisis like COVID-19 brings a whole new meaning to that purpose,” said Alex Chatzieleftheriou, CEO and co-founder of Blueground. “It’s not often that you find yourself in a position where you feel like you can directly help those on the frontlines of a worldwide health pandemic. Knowing that we had the opportunity to directly support these organizations and their staff … there was no question in my mind. We had to do it.”



Inside Blueground

A real estate tech company that makes people feel at home wherever they choose to live. Show up. Start living.