A New Leaf Rises Out of Grief

I am home, no more need to roam

Caroline de Braganza
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2024


A single green leaf covered in raindrops
Image by Praveen Raj from Pixabay

Autumn then Winter
Dry cold fed my grief
Now welcoming Spring
Heart melts in relief
Two stolen seasons —
Time a wily thief

I’ve said my goodbyes
Found a new romance
I’m in love with me
Here’s my second chance
Fulfill my mission
Join this cosmic dance

Here in the present
I welcome the gift
Of eternal love
Set sadness adrift
Spirit’s noble goal
Expand and uplift

Deep healing within
The core of my being
Devotion to Life
My heart is agreeing
This chapter calls me
To paint a new scene

Dust is now settled
By teardrops and rain
Inner peace rooted
Dissolving the pain
Growing, evolving
Connecting again



Caroline de Braganza
Blue Insights

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.