
A Sign of Society’s Decline?

Feeding Our Minds

Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash

Feeding my mind…
Getting rid of
the gore for some
may be a chore.

Screens filled
with blood and guts.
Closing my eyes,
tabbing out.
Don’t want to view
it any more.

How far have we
gone…this is

Life is scary enough.
No need to invent or
be entertained my
more horror and stuff.

Find the good
and refreshment that
life gives.
This I choose to
explore while on this
planet I live.

© Rita Duponty
January 2024

What’s this all about?

The images we take in on a daily basis have a profound effect on us. Some of it can be positive, while other images can have a negative impact on us.

Of course, being aware of tragedy and problems around the world is part of life. However, do we choose to be entertained by morbid and gruesome images? Some such images are even digitally produced.

Not for me. You choose.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read these words today.🙏

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