A Sunset Soiree

A free verse on Monsoon Sunsets

Saloni Joshi
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2020


Image by my colleague, Dr. Megha Nair

A splash of colors
across the plain canvas
of pale blue skies;
the sun bidding adieu,
leaving behind strokes
from a colorful palette;
of orange, yellow, purple
with a tint of pink
merging into blue,
overshadowing the monsoon blues,
the rainbow peeking through
cotton clouds,
a smile in the sky,
welcoming the evening star
for a colorful Soiree!

Thank you for reading!



Saloni Joshi
Blue Insights

A doctor by profession, an Eye Surgeon in the making, a bookworm at heart and an avid reader; unleashing my cumulonimbus thoughts in the form of prose & poetry!