A Thousand Layers of an Incurable Affliction

NaPoWriMo Series Day-1

Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2021


Who am I, in this mercurial cosmos?
running away from what forges this flesh,
cutting all cords and rending bridges,
cussing at walls with a metric ton of guilt,

can’t look people in the eye,
can’t answer why my footsteps turn into landmines,
why rivers flow backward when I cry by the banks,
why I sleep in a woollen blanket that’s soaking wet,
I let it —
I let —
discomfort strip me of the monstrosity
this body has been housing,
and disconnect cut all the tangled wires
I have been chewing on like a hungry rodent,

fearful of being touched,
wearing a thousand layers of an incurable affliction,
so you don’t seep into my pores and become me,
for everything I soak wilts and withers,
like dying forget-me-nots on old, forsaken graves,

but when solitude washes the gashes on my sole,
nothingness of the day multiplies itself,
and broken mirrors write my agony…



Blue Insights

I write because i’m aware of the power words have. I use mine to tell stories, occasionally rant on social issues and turn my life and self into poetry.