A Writhing Soul

A few tiring lines about Corporate Greed

Blue Insights
Published in
Apr 23, 2024


A hand holding a burning $100 bill above a pile of coins and other bills next to a lit candle.
Photo by Gabriel Meinert on Unsplash

Expectations piling up,
Sinew breaking down,
Resolve loosening,
You march on, going nowhere.

Chest puffed, chin up, you begin your daily battle.
Creased brow, hunched back, you drag your feet.

Toiling to make a rich man you don’t care about richer.
And losing your mind in the process.

Fuelling the brazen pot of greed,
Slaving and selling yourself.

Building stuff you wouldn’t use,
Selling things to people who don’t want it.

Desperately fighting for relevance,
Fending off loneliness,
Accumulating points for a game you’re losing.

You look back, so much has passed, so much lost.
You fall into your dirty bed, all dead on the inside,
What is the purpose of it all?



Blue Insights

Tired of a normal life. Afraid of a different one. I’ve taken refuge in Poetry and dreams. Aspiring Aspirer.