An Ode to Pain

Labman Perspective
Blue Insights
4 min readJul 23, 2022


Sometimes it is so painful, it is so painful to keep going, but you got to keep going man, at the end of the finish line is everything you ever wished, trust me, you are the chosen one.

To the privileged, favored, and cuddled, you will never understand the scars of the meek and the ordinary. The tucked-away, the ones you prayed with your lips and hoped for the best. Those who suffer in the dark, in silence, in misery, waiting for their fate. How much are you aware of those who are yearning, crying to be comforted that they may be with the least of resolution but possesses the uttermost of hope?

Get-Up — Drawing by Author

We aren’t the privileged, we are the chosen.

Who thought that if we want to make it to heaven, we must go first through hell? No one would know well, other than yourself. The feeling you get like an outcast, fought strongly but still outclassed. Unwilling to go quietly into the night, I am prepared to go through any pain, aim for the win and be relentless. The day may seem gray, but I bounce back because I am the chosen one!

At the end of the turn, I wipe away the tears. For there is no growth in the comfort zone, and to get to heaven I must not go alone.

So I grab the closest thing I know, the only one I have, the depressive constant of my life now — my pain, my agony, and my suffering, 150 days and counting, trudging forward while YOU idling by, watching and spectating as I try.

Rescue — Drawing by Author

Because pain has become my friend, it is there with me from the start now to the end. It won’t let me down, and it will never bend. It’s true, not many recommend pain to make it, but take it, and fake it, it will push me to greatness in the end.

Get your head clear. You can’t grow without pain. You can’t move without pain. You will never be the same.

After the struggle and strain today, I guaranteed that you will be stronger the next day. The things that hurt you before, trust me, they won’t hurt you no more. And then one day, you will give thanks for those sleepless nights, and the times when you were crying and couldn’t get anything right. You will know the lessons pain was teaching you about this life, just like an arrow that pulled you back and is ready to send you forward into the fight.

Into The Fight — Drawing by Author

You’ve got to take control of your pain and go through it, just like going through any resistance. Let the pain make a change, and create a better existence. There is so much to gain, we must keep on being persistent, and never let it end in vain.

There is no strong person with an easy past, they will all tell you from the heart that the pain won’t last. And even though it hurts, remember to stick to your task! You know that Tough times don’t, but tough people last! Your heart is bigger than any pain. You will make it through anything. You will push it through any pain. You will carry it through rainy days. You will fight it through hurricanes. You will make it to better days. Just know things will change one day.

So Say it With me:

There is no pain, there is no pain, there is no pain, there is none!

I feel no pain, I feel no pain, I feel no pain, I feel none!

There is no pain, there is no pain, there is no pain, there is none!

I feel no pain, I feel no pain, I feel no pain, I feel none!

Sing the Mantra, Sing it out loud, Sing it proud… Adapted from Fearless Motivation: There is No Pain.

Labman Perspective



Labman Perspective
Blue Insights

A scientist, a family man, and an avid hoarder of creative ideas and positive affirmations. I seek to inspire and to be inspired. 💯 Supporting You!