
Merge and then amalgamate.

David Rudder
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2021


Spring in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. Photograph by author

Can we coalesce and create?
A far better tomorrow
Merge and then amalgamate
And do away with sorrow.

Thoughts are only fragments
Of whom we really are
Can we exist holistically
As heaven lights each star.

Far from where we started from
We tread the earth with care
We hold our breath at the beauty
And often stop and stare.

There is a piece of open space
Separates our existence
Thought and soul transference
Can minimize the distance.

Along the beach and in the bush
And in the cool Blue Mountains
The places we have made our own
Our own eternal fountains.

We merge and then assimilate
And embrace each magic morning
We hear the lark and first birdcall
At the inception of the dawning.

When you left I stood and watched
You disappear, from sight
Though you’re not here beside me
Inside my heart, you’ve left a light.


David Rudder

Thanks for reading.



David Rudder
Blue Insights

Top writer in Poetry. I am a diarist and write poetry to reflect my thoughts.