Blue Insights Cultural Prompts — October 2020

You can run, but you cannot hide from time

Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020


By Sanjeri on iStock (image licensed by author)

“Time is the best teacher, unfortunately, it kills all of its students.” Robin Williams

Death is the universe’s way of reminding us to live. There is deadline out there for all of us, ticking away somewhere, but the trouble is we do not know when that alarm is due to ring.

I imagine it as a huge shelf of old alarm clocks, all madly doing the tick tock thing, and when one goes off, it is someone’s turn to move on from this world.

Without this deadline nothing would get done. Time forces us to choose what is important and what can be left alone.

As you age, this concept accelerates, and one day, you are sitting alone with a glass of wine contemplating your life, and it hits you hard, first in the head and then you can feel it pounding on your chest. For the first time, you realize you do not have enough time left in your life to do all the things you promised yourself you would get to “someday.”

This is the day you have to prioritize your life. This is the day you are forced to choose what must be done and then let go of the old dreams you have carried around for so many years but are now just not possible because…well, you just do not have enough time.

But you do not have to be old to get run over by this self-realization. You have a parent die and you realize you are next. Someone close to you, and still young, is gone and you get that quick punch in the gut that only by the grace of a forgiving universe that could have been you.

As Robin Williams said, “Time is the best teacher, unfortunately, it kills all of its students.”

The Cultural Prompt for October is all about you

If I only had one more day I would…..

Five outstanding contributions sparkled in our “Cultural Prompts —September 2020”

Out Of Breath

by Sylvia Wohlfarth

Of Butterflies and New Beginnings

by Isha Tewari Srivastava

Painful Slavery To Freedom of Heart

by Ruchi Thalwal

The Shape of The Moon

by Priyanka Srivastava


by Ivette Cruz



Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.