Bonfire (poem)

A.M’s Journal
Blue Insights
Jan 31, 2024


Bonfire. Letting go of everything unwanted in you.
Bonfire (image taken by the author)

In front of the bonfire I stand
With a promise of it burning everything I let go
To ashes until the last strand.

In a jiffy I think of 10 things to let go
The fire egging me on to write more
I write them down and to the fire I show

Wait, says the fire hurriedly, before I throw
I forgot to tell you one thing
I promise to burn, as long as you promise to really want to let go.

I want to let go, I say confidently.
The fire says you might not recognize yourself
If you truly let go
I shake my head vigorously
With burning intent, I loudly pronounce
I’m ready to lose myself.
Loudly laughs the fire.
Says you’ve got it all wrong.
You are only now going to find yourself.



A.M’s Journal
Blue Insights

I write about my mental health journey in the form of poetry and narratives. I've just started writing on Medium and I've been writing on