Casey Antony’s New Documentary Should Be Called “How I Murdered My Toddler And Got Away With It”.

Tina Viju
Blue Insights


Source: Peacock

Caylee Anthony was an adorable 2-year-old when she went missing in June 2008 in Orlando, Florida. From the very beginning, this tragic case was riddled with red flags.

For starters, Casey never reported her toddler missing for a whopping 31 days. What mother would wait a month, a week, a day, or even a minute to get help?

Only a mother who knows her child is never coming back.

It was Caylee’s grandmother, Cindy who reported her missing when Casey’s car was found towed with a foul smell emanating from it. The desperation and urgency in Cindy’s voice in the 911 call are evidence enough that she was frantically trying to find her granddaughter.

But Casey’s demeanor was a far cry from that of a mom whose toddler has gone missing. Even pet owners freak out more if their cat goes missing.

Casey on the other hand expressed no sense of urgency or panic in the 31 days that her vulnerable 2-year-old was missing. Neither did she mention the fact that her daughter was missing to anyone or try to get help.

When Casey Antony’s brother, Lee came to visit her in prison, she told him, “ I need to get out to help Caylee.” That’s funny because she didn’t help Caylee in the…



Tina Viju
Blue Insights

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper