Cold Mornings of Being Alone

Run boy, run… the search for peace within myself

Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024


By R Donar on iStock (image licensed by author)

I miss the aloneness,
the early morning hours
of me, happy within my head,
looking for myself within myself
in every stride, on every sidewalk.
Run boy, keep running my mantra.

I miss the cold mornings
of summer, the mountain sun
late above the jagged peaks,
the higher ridges treeless,
but still snow clinging in
the shadows, running
the bike trail out
of Frisco, Colorado…
up, up, thin air,
heavy breathing,
running to live,
living to run, just me
and the sharp winds
coming down the canyon.

The streets of San Francisco,
dawn runs through the Marina,
over the Golden Gate, early tourists
ambling along, the sun rising
over Alcatraz, I could run
forever then, run away
from it all, run past
the end of my life, run
boy, run and find the peace.



Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.