
A poem.

Saman Jawaid
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readSep 7, 2020


Photo by Trung Thanh on Unsplash

How difficult is it to make a conversation?
To come up with the exact phrases
the other person wants to hear.
To not come up with something that
might remind him of a previous lover.
After choosing the perfect phrases
looking for a way to say it loud and clear.
Without stuttering or drifting away
and with a hint of familiarity and compassion.
Even though you’ve recently met the person.
Talking at a perfect pace.
Making sure that you don’t sound like
rushing away
or coming off as not-interested.
And then thinking about the next
things to say.
You adjust your voice to make it sound
professional but not mechanical.
Casual but not weird.
Friendly but not too curious.

