Dealing with Emotions as an Introvert

My Emotions Are Unique and Mercurial

Saman Jawaid
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2020


Imagine a glass bottle. You put some marbles into it every day. Sometimes it’s just one and sometimes there are many. The marbles are in different sizes and colours. Some burning bright red, some soothing deep blue, and some opaque white.

When the glass bottle fills, you replace it with another similar looking glass bottle. You never stop putting those marbles.

Sometimes some marbles slip from your hands and land somewhere else. You find them and put them back. But sometimes they break down into tiny pieces and you can do nothing.

My feelings are like these marbles — colourful and different from one another. I express my feelings only through writing and keep them safe in a diary or in a password-protected folder on my computer. When one diary fills up, I start writing in the other.

I’m not sure whether it’s an introverted thing but I’ve never liked sharing my emotions with others. Just like those marbles, my emotions are fragile. Mishandling them may lead to a huge mishap.

But sometimes, when my diary is full or my emotions are way too strong, I reluctantly share them with really close people.

My emotions are unique and mercurial. Are they concrete like pebbles or fluid like water? Do they flow ceaselessly like a river or drip slowly like water dripping from a faulty faucet? Sometimes even I can’t comprehend them. How can I make someone else understand?

