Dear gentle readers…


Photo by Rico Van de Voorde on Unsplash

I’ve concluded through critical thinking that my writing will now change directions, rather than venting on just emotional basis of fleeting moments, I will dedicate my platform as a breeze of healing past wounds using various written techniques in poetry, fictional and non-fictive works.

I want my writing to become a guise of wisdom through an era of pain that I and others around me had to endure, endure so that we can grow into the unique souls that we are now. Mess in progress I am still yet wonderous I grow in my empathy wants & needs.

I will try my best to fulfil your soul’s daily nourishment through my writing.

I hope you stick around this emerging writer attempting to find her voice.


Your momentary breeze.

Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara.



Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Blue Insights

“An enigmatic whisper in time, my words—a gateway to the soul’s odyssey, remembered in the silence of the stars.”