Defeating Self-sabotage

I swear I’ve written about 100 poems about this

Adonis Richards
Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2021


Image credit to Peggy_Marco on Pixabay

I swear I’ve written about 100 poems about this

And I still self-sabotage. In fact, I’m Self Sabotaging right now. There is a myriad of positive things happening in my life right now. However, my mind is creating scenarios of failure as I speak.

Today I had to purchase service to program two new key fobs for my vehicle. The old one wasn’t working. I spent 170$ programming the fobs for my car. The entire time, fear trickled down my spine. “What if they don’t work?” crept into my psyche as the mechanic worked on the two fobs. Luckily for me, He was able to program both fobs and I was able to have a fob and a spare.

Why Do I self-sabotage?

All of that anxiety for nothing. All of that worrying just to sit back and watch something good happen. See, self-sabotage can ruin my day as I traverse through this thing called life.

I spend most of my days feeling like I don’t deserve the luxuries that life delivers me. Therefore, I try to find reasons to fail. I try to find reasons to validate this false feeling of lack. Or not deserving. I struggle frequently with this feeling of everything has to go wrong. Why is this? There are so many reasons why I feel this way.



Adonis Richards
Blue Insights

Writer and poet aspiring to write and create content. Website: