Driving in the Dark
A Poem
The virus is a stranger
Our planet is in danger
We have no information
To unify health goals for our nation
No pandemic education
No fun summer vacation
Issues are divisive
Death increases from this crisis
Manipulated discord
Reckless wannabe warlord
Salvation for the masses
Requires heads out of their asses
We are driving in the dark
While heartbreak’s hanging in the park
Together we can thrive
If we learn how to survive
It’s like driving in our car
With no lights no moon no star
Global knowledge as our guide
Hear intuition from inside
Together we can see
To choose healthy harmony
Love illuminates our path
Steering clear of this bloodbath
MicheletheTrainer, 2020
Special Thanks to Share The Love Issue 5 by Martin Rushton #seenonstl.