Dyslexia, Diversity of Thought, & (yes) Conversation

Cathy Joseph
Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023


A thoughtful LinkedIn post by Richard Branson, AI aggregates, but dyslexia innovates, has stayed with me.

Image by Rawpixel on Frepik

Branson says that dyslexia is his superpower and he’s spreading the word about the strengths it brings. How refreshing to read this when much of what’s written about dyslexia presents only the inherent challenges — especially for students.

In an IMSE (Institute for Multi-Sensory Education) Journal interview, Branson spoke about his struggles in school and said,

“It is not a disadvantage; it is merely a different way of thinking.”

After leaving school, he said that dyslexia

“helped me to think creatively and laterally, and see solutions where others saw problems.”

He is now helping schools and organizations better understand dyslexia. Virgin and Made By Dyslexia have launched a campaign to show what is possible when AI and dyslexic thinking come together. AI can help in areas that are challenging to those with dyslexia, allowing them to focus on what they do best.

A short Made By Dyslexia video states that “40% of the world’s greatest innovators and entrepreneurs are dyslexic.” A quick internet search lists Leonardo da Vinci, George Washington, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, and Steve…



Cathy Joseph
Blue Insights

Passionate believer in the power of positivity and joy, living in and loving New York City. https://cathyjoseph.co