Earth Shades

Blue Insights


image by Timothee Duran on Unsplash

Nature Poems

Shades of night

Shades of dark

Shades of black

Shades of grey

Night falls. Earth is still

As moonlight streaks the night sky

Hues of light

Hues of white

Hues of blue

Hues of grey

Dawn comes. Earth stirs awake As rays of light pierce the pitch dark

Strokes of day

Strokes of blue white

Strokes of yellow

Strokes of orange

Day breaks. Earth comes alive As kaleidoscopes of colour announce the morn

Bright Sun Rays

Bright skies

White clouds

Blue heavens

Afternoon peaks. Earth hums with humanity’s din

A tapestry of colour declaring high noon

Night Shades

Dim lights

Cloud cover

Sun set

Dusk arrives. Night’s forerunner Brightness dims. The sun leaving the stage

The circle of colour

The circle of life

The circle of dusk to dawn and back

The circle of light.

The circle of dark Earth’s resplendent hues and vibrant colours

Her faithful seasons and full moons

Never failing. Never late

© Faminu Imabong 2023



Blue Insights

Writer, Poet, Author and Content Creator. Shop my digital products on Selar👇👇