
Miriella Marie
Blue Insights
1 min readOct 13, 2020


Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash

I know myself
The complicated relationship
Of a father
And his daughter
A daughter
Being the only one
Who will unconditionally want to love him
Despite his flaws
And straying ways
No one can intimidate
The relationship
Between a father
And his daughter
The daughter wants nothing more but for her father
To love her
And will subconsciously do anything
To make him
Feel that way
Growing up
I pretended to pray to God
I had all these figures in my cupboard
I pretended to pray
To not eat meat
To be a good daughter
I subconsciously wanted him to love me
A father and daughter’s love is very different
A father and daughter’s
For, it is very easy for a mother to love her daughter
But with a father
The daughter has to work harder
To get him to love her
The daughter tries everything for often
With a father
He has an unwavering rage
That can overwhelm the daughter
That she confuses with hatred for her.
It is in this rage
That the daughter and father
Make for a complicated relationship
Something even more interesting than that
Of the daughter
And mother.

