
Blue Insights Cultural Prompt — May 2021

Iulia Halatz
Published in
May 1, 2021


Art — Kobayashi Kiyochika, “Fireflies at Ochanomizu”. Source — Facebook

We are all fighters in trenches
and defiers on battlefields.

We are all thinkers
of simplicity and beauty

We are all carriers
of hopes and smiles

We are all dreamers
of strange countries
full of secrets and dreams

We are all lovers
of abysmal seas
and sunlight glare

We are all cherishers
of truth and magic

We are all travelers
on untrodden paths
amidst unruffled nights
and shimmering fireflies

We are all storytellers
in a defiant era
of storms.

We are all…

The Cultural Prompt for May 2021


At the bottom of your contributions, please be sure to include a link to this prompt as well as our prompts three mandatory tags: ‘Blue Insights’, ‘Cultural Prompt’, and ‘Writing Prompts’.



Iulia Halatz
Blue Insights

"We should take power and strength from our stories.” Co-author of The Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I and Darker Objects.