Four life-changing lessons from The Bhagwat Geeta

The Quiet Insights
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2022

In this fast-paced, abstraction-driven life we often feel stuck, confused and exhausted. Often when we meet an obstacle, we feel our life is drowning and there is no turning back from it. We are so consumed with the materialistic targets and distractions around us that we often miss the understanding of the other dimensions of life, we miss the fact that all of our human experiences are actually inside out. The Bhagwat Geeta is considered the manifestation of human life, we will discuss here four ancient pearls of wisdom from the holy book to change our outlook towards a happier, peaceful and fulfilling life.

Lesson1: Tolerate our urges to consume

In our day-to-day life, be it in our professional encounters, personal relations or in social settings we are constantly provoked by external stimuli and situations. The Bhagwat Geeta teaches us to tolerate our urges to be consumed with these. In this way we can avoid living a life full of compulsion, otherwise, happiness will be an accidental incident.

Lesson2: Tolerate our urges to control

With some materialistic success, be it financial dominance, political power, fame or position we often start to think that we are in control of our lives. Have you noticed that we often become so attached to our identity that when a situation starts to appear in a different way we did not anticipate, we break down so easily? Here the role of the second lesson from ancient wisdom comes into the picture. The Bhagwat Geeta says we are never in control of our situations, with time the greatest empires also turn into dust. The only thing we can control is our consciousness and response. Therefore we must tolerate our urges to control them in order to be happy.

Lesson3: Tolerate our urges to convince others

We are living in a time where we update our status first on social media and then try to enjoy the moment. Our quality of life is socially measured by the number of likes, followers and comments we received. We have started to take ourselves too seriously that we want to convince our point of view, stand to everyone and are always busy proving the supremacy of our beliefs. The ancient wisdom says we must work on our consciousness to tolerate our urges to prove ourselves correct every time.

Lesson4: Tolerate our urges to compete

Technology has made our lives connected. Thanks to social media, we always have a glimpse of others’ life no matter how real or artificial it is. As we know every good thing also comes with a flip side, and social media is not an exception. According to a 2019 study, teenagers who spend more than 3 hours daily on social media are more likely to attract mental health issues. If we think a bit deeper, one of the major reasons is that we are constantly comparing our lives to everyone around our proximity, even your friend’s luxury apartment can give you enough anxiety that can result in a heart attack. Here comes the fourth wisdom, we must aware that it doesn’t matter how good we are doing in our life, there must be someone who is doing better. We must change our attitude to appreciate, be happy with others’ success and constantly work on improving our consciousness to reach our true potential.

End Notes

I hope this article will spark a few positive vibes in your soul. The learnings of the Bhagwat Geeta are beyond religion and if we incorporate this wisdom into our daily life, we can improve the quality of our lives multifold.


All of the above is the interpretation of the conversation between Shree Gaur Gauranga Das Prabhu with Jay Shetty. Please visit this link to watch the full conversation.

