God Is Staring at Me

I hope God had a good night

Thomas Plummer
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2021


By Myslitel on iStock (image licensed by author)

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling
Lost in the haze between sleep and a new day
Wiggle my toes
Scratch my crotch
Sigh deeply,
snuggle deeper into the warm blankets
Have to celebrate this still alive thing

Glad when God went to bed, He didn’t
spit on my candle
Creakingly roll over the side of the bed
Do the old man shuffle to the toilet
I defiantly stare into the mirror
Still a face there I recognize
Always good to check at this age

There will be a day
when my mirror is empty,
the breathe of God fogging my view
I hear screeching black birds,
screaming by my little window
Did God send them to take my soul,
and they missed me today

Walking the dog at seven
Just me and my baby dog wandering the woods
Songbirds in the trees whispering tunes of love
Cold wind whipping across the mountain tops
Sun streaking naked out of its nest



Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.