Greatest Bliss Is Finding Your Self

Bliss of the moment still is bliss, that too with self is greatest!

Arundhati V. S
Blue Insights
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2020


Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Look deep inside your heart and you will find the answer and will grab you out of the labyrinths. Heart Speaks, all we need to do is to listen purely and innocently.

Believing that our hearts can speak and speaks louder when we need, but they get lost under the millions of thoughts, it has its rhythm and way to connect. All we need is self-introspection sometimes to figure out things, but it’s the long-lasting process and is indefinite.

The process that keeps growing and becomes better with time. We just need to keep all the thoughts aside and listen to heart because it is innocent and can never be wrong.

We all need to start these kinds of conversations with our hearts to have a blissful mind and calm head, ultimately this will lead to a calm heart and mind. Right now what we need most is exactly self-introspection.

No one knows us better than we do. So it is self which the messiah in your own story is. And let not others control you. I believe that when things happen, they just happen and if we accept them with braveness then they are just things, but if they make you feel sad or happy, they are the concepts of positive and negative things and here itself the chaos starts.

Leading to anxiety, sadness, etc. So let’s not compare positives and negatives, and accept both equally being neutral. Yes, as humans I know this can be difficult, but we try, not getting affected. We should decide on our priorities as an individual self.

And for this we need to know our selves thoroughly, I know this process is difficult and can make you lost, but this is most needed thing in this world where the real you is getting lost behind the fast-moving socio tech mediums, where the emotions are expressed through emoji’s, where the debris of real thoughts are hidden behind smiley, filtered faces.

The way you feel the happiness, or I can say happiness is like a mirage or hollow sugar quoted balloon, which makes you feel happy and cheerful, and is like a moment, but the pain it demands to be felt, the time you experience during pain or bad phase you feel every aspect of it.

Unlike a happy moment, it makes you feel like a decade while going through. But this is what life is. Also, we can relate the Einsteins relativity here, where he says

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.”

I feel instead of taking life as a positive and negative, happy, and sad ride, we can take it as a neutral journey where you are the one who is designing it with your scope of ideas, skills, and needs. Let it be the ride you want to enjoy and your world also let it be you who will decide who are important and who are not,

We cannot allow everyone to be part of our life and let us affect, that cannot be possible, because the world so big and now due to socio-technical connectivity, we can see through everybody life, or I can say that what they won’t show. But are they real or reel, it’s us who need to understand the reality and make our mind and brains strong in this filtered world in front of us.

We can only do this when we start speaking to ourselves, we can only love others if love ourselves, we can only understand others when we know ourselves better, understanding ourselves is the biggest thing we need to do now because we are the one who can be the only messiahs of our own life.

Right now we need clarity, guys I am serious, it also gives us the direction, because today’s world is kind of mirage where we need to understand who we are and what we want so that we can progress and keep ourselves healthy and safe mentally and of course physically, in the same direction. I won’t call it right or direction, because when we choose they are just directions, I and you are the ones who with your actions make it right.



Arundhati V. S
Blue Insights

With books, nature, architecture, flowers, stars, moon, music, freedom,(all this is bliss)🌻