How Bad is Being Alone?

A Poem

Meagon Nolasco
Published in
May 1, 2021


Author’s own

What amount of replay does life take
Before you realize a different path
Includes your ride
Becoming solo
A level of creativity
Never fulfilled
If never given
The place to be properly cultivated
Society tells me the only way above is through
Yet through is deceiving
The sacrifices along the way never fully explained
Until routine sets in
You are not aware you have become another cog in a barely moving wheel
Love doesn’t sound appealing
When explained that it tags along
Without blossoming that inner lotus
We don’t write great love stories
About being in love
Only about falling in or out
Find inspiration, a muse
Make this the center of your romance
Build a spark with someone already ablaze
This love might last
Its foundation built of stone
Not the rotting wood
Of short-lived lust

