How I survived Tainted Romaine Lettuce — Pt. 1

I ate Romaine Lettuce in a salad kit before I heard about the recall. History repeats itself!! Another Thanksgiving Recall for Romaine Lettuce and salad kits!!

EP McKnight, MEd
Blue Insights
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2020


Photo by author

Salinas Valley’s Romaine Lettuce and Salad Kits got many sickened and sent to the hospital!!

About a week ago, I purchased two salad kits from Ralph’s as I have been doing for years. My diet had always been centered around salad kits, veggies, little to no meat and minimum sugar and refine carbs. Salad was a staple.

I purchased two salad kits a week ago and finally ate one half of one, last Friday. No sooner when I ate it, I felt a little sick on the stomach. I attributed it to being tired or something. Drank lots of green tea, to flush my system of whatever was causing me to feel uneasy in the stomach.

Shortly, thereafter I heard on the news about a recall of romaine lettuce but I dismissed because I assumed the alert was pertaining to a head of romaine lettuce. That night still felt the same way, the following morning the same way so I drank more hot water and lemon to settle my stomach.



EP McKnight, MEd
Blue Insights

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,