How To Love Me

Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Blue Insights


Photo by Todd Trapani on Unsplash

A riddle wrapped in a question’s hold,

How does one love a heart so bold?

Twenty-five years, a tapestry unfurled,

Seeking the key to this untamed world.

To love me is a dance with vibrant flame,

Burning bright, then quenched by gentle rain.

I am a storm, a force that cannot cease,

Craving warmth, yet yearning for release.

This love, a paradox, a twisting maze,

To hold me close, yet grant me separate days.

For how can you cherish a restless tide,

If you don’t love the ocean deep inside?

A touch, a word, a silent, trusting gaze,

These build the haven where my spirit stays.

Comfort’s embrace, a fortress I require,

But love for you must first set your soul on fire.

I’m not meant to be a puzzle piece that can be solved on your coffee table,

A moment is who I am, a memory forever everlasting.

How to love me, is simply to behold, to endure to devour and to enjoy.

. . .

©️ Maii 2024.



Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Blue Insights

“An enigmatic whisper in time, my words—a gateway to the soul’s odyssey, remembered in the silence of the stars.”