Blue Insights Magazine: Issue 001 — Jan 2021 — Starlight’s Glow

I Enjoyed to Spread My Wings to Share Warm Human Kindness

Poetry Collective of Emerging Positive Changes

Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2021


Cultural Prompt: “Expressing Positive Changes Emerging After Our Lives Were Disconnected Physically from Our Pre-Covid-19 Lifestyles”

Subtly, like a superhero, opening my wings to the most desperate, stretching out my comforting arms, time to restore the sweet warmth of lost hope, supernatural powers to help the world believe it can still become a better place.

Francine Fallara, 2021

2020 has taught me that love will always be stronger than any darkest act depicting humanity at its worst.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Cultural Prompt for January 2021:

“Expressing Positive Changes Emerging After Our Lives Were Disconnected Physically from Our Pre-Covid-19 Lifestyles”



Francine Fallara -
Blue Insights

Passionate, genuine and creative simple girl striving daily to express my inner rebel warrior. Geologist exploring the world for all its natural beauties.