I Found Laughter and This Is What Happened

Jesse Wilson
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readJan 27, 2021


Such a curious little thing you are!

I remember when I was young
the high frequency of your visits
You were there daily and never far

But now that I am older
when perhaps I need you most
It seems I have to call louder to keep you close

When you arrive
you always do me best
bubbling up, over spilling
in those vital moments
I need to get things off my chest

But then you slowly fade
leaving me to realize again
How life without you is never the same

Oh laughter I need you
my faithful friend

Allow me to share you in the company I spend
Allow me to shine your light to one and all
and pass on your contagious trend

So that when I become a memory
pieced together by strings of connected brevity
It will be with a fondness of glorious times gone by
like happiness shared, carried on the joyous wings of
a thousand blue butterflies



Jesse Wilson
Blue Insights

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.