I Have To Love Myself Now, Okay.


Destiny S. Harris
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2021


Photo by Rhand McCoy on Unsplash

I tried to fit you all
Into my perfect life
Only to realize
You only cause pain
And more sorrowful strife

I’m a fighter
I never wanted to give up on you
I’m addicted to old relics
I’ve always loved the old more than the new

But I’m learning that if I love myself
I won’t cause myself unnecessary pain
I will no longer force people into my life when it doesn’t make sense
Only to realize I’ve always been in an entirely different lane

I always outgrew you all
Even when I didn’t realize it
But I still saw you all as beautiful
Because that’s just where my heart always is

I can’t be here anymore
It’s time for me to go
I packed my bags
And I’m getting on the train this time
But I thank you for all of the memories
They were amply divine

