I Remember You

Blue Insights
2 min readNov 9, 2022


From the author
It's 6 pm we're gonna meet tonight
You told me you'd wait outside
Three steps I see the future
You're leaning at the door; I stared at the floor -
Funny how we started as friends to buy each other's rings

Had my umbrella, my walk was slow
Your hand's below my elbow
The heartbeat: noise of the moist street - keep it low
The sounds of your silly laugh with your friends
I want to keep everything in slow-motion

And I like you more when the moon turns red
I remember you never look at me this way
You buy me food but never water
You hold my hand but never longer
You said I’m your home but never stay

Droplets of the seventh evening rain
Smells of clandestine feeling
Thanks to your kind gay friends
My words and syllables blend

Your trivial little insensitive doings
Like never looking at me when getting off the bus
How you ignore my whimper when I’m wearing heels
I said you look good; you mistrust

But I love you more when the moon turns red
I remember you not looking at me
When I tell you random stories
I remember you telling me your story
And for the nth time, you became my favorite series

Turn the pages of you mishandling me
I justified your actions with my own fantasy
I’ll forget your fast walk, I’d just double my time
You once paced my step when you were having a deadtime

Long hours and you never came
You are Mr. Never a right time
But you send me a picture; you’re having a good time
I go on my way, admiring your smile; but you never came

It’s 11 in the evening; we’re about to leave
We waved at your friends I feel belong
This is my pet peeve
Wanting to stay long
never want to say I’m wrong
The faded sincerity
The silent sympathy
The strong voice
of having no choice



Blue Insights

i write the trivial things that create tiny dots to my constellation. i like random poetry makings, spitting phrases that completes my unwanted emotions