Illuminating Glow


Randy Shingler
Published in
Feb 16, 2021


Illuminating glow shines on horizon
Breaking through night’s dark veil
Working to light my way this day
Making me be more fully awakened
Heightened awareness of what is here.

Drifting back into old past reveries
Removed from the present moment
Back in to times of vanished youth,
People known, and some long gone
Definitions of primary events in life.

My awareness returns to present
Concentrations on all that is here
Watching horizons shine full light
Contemplations on where to go
In this day that is dawning now.

Letting past reveries just fade away
Feeling full impact of this moment
Exploring new treasures, it may offer
All beginning with illuminating glow.



Randy Shingler
Blue Insights

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.