In Disguise

A Tritriplicata Poem

Published in
1 min readMar 28, 2020


© Dennett 3/22/20

A flower in appearance, a weed
in disguise, truth-telling scissored leaves
exposing your secret —
I don’t care.

I came upon this unfamiliar weedy plant along the ditch of our neighborhood walking path. Its prickly leaves outed it as a weed, but its seedy flower was so beautiful, I didn’t care if its name was weed, pest, or intruder — to me, it was a star-like floret.

Sometimes the weeds along a path, like the marginalized people in life, are lovelier than a gardened bloom.

Be careful what (who) you discard.

Somsubhra Banerjee introduced me to a new poetry form created by Arjan Tupan called tritriplicata. The form is 3/6/9/6/3 syllables. Give it a try!



Blue Insights

I was always a writer but lived in a bookkeeper’s body before I found Medium and broke free — well, almost. Working to work less and write more.