Inner Strength

Mindful Poetry

Randy Shingler
Blue Insights
Published in
Aug 9, 2021


Maintaining composure during turbulent times
Makes strong demands on our inner strength,
Climate change creating havoc worldwide
Wildfires in uncontrolled rage across globe
Large icecaps melt after centuries existence.

Oceans rise higher as more icecaps melt
Temperatures in record highs everywhere
Earth warming, a huge global challenge,
A pandemic taking new twists and turns
Discerning truth became difficult for many.

Political polarizations create societal divides,
Misinformation spread with strong intentions
While white supremacy continues its rise
Seek to suppress all who do not look like them
Our Constitution is disregarded by too many.

Staying calm amidst such global chaos
Stretches demands of our inner strength
Have to reach deeply within ourselves
Touching our spirits, strengthening resolve.



Randy Shingler
Blue Insights

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.