It ain’t rosy


Nupoor Raj
Published in
Apr 6, 2021


Photo by Hà Nguyễn on Unsplash

it won’t be that way many a time…

someone to gaze whilst you sleep
and look on with a smile

not breezy like the movies
each time under the twilight

a finger to wipe your tear
each time that you cry

arguments won’t end
when you feel you are done

no one to ask your dreams
each time you wake up

not all fantasies come true
it was never meant to be

it won’t be that way many a time…

Nupoor Raj. 2020. All rights reserved.



Nupoor Raj
Blue Insights

27. Pragmatic, ambivert, epistemophile. Optometrist. Writer by passion, Poet by a natural flaw | Not a Priest; Not an Atheist.